SHane and Shane in concert
Sunday, August 14, 2016
7:00 p.m.
BSU Center
7:00 p.m.
BSU Center
The Baptist Student Union at Mississippi State University will be hosting a Shane and Shane concert on Sunday, August 14, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. This is a FREE concert and it is open to the public. Please feel free to join us. The doors will open at 6:15 p.m.
The BSU is located at the following address:
755 Bailey Howell Drive
Starkville, MS 39759
Please enter the building by using the front doors. Once you are inside, the worship center will be directly in front of you.
Parking is limited at the BSU. Please park in the GRAVEL parking lot across the street at Campus Bookmart, located at 318 East Lee Blvd.
Turn on the road in between the Wesley Foundation and Campus Bookmark, follow the road down the hill, and turn left into the gravel lot. Please DO NOT park in the concrete parking lots because we do not want to take away parking spaces from paying customers. Also, please do NOT park in the loading zone.
FYI: If you do park in the concrete lot or in the loading zone, your car will likely be towed. So, park in the gravel lot and walk up the hill to the BSU.
The BSU is located at the following address:
755 Bailey Howell Drive
Starkville, MS 39759
Please enter the building by using the front doors. Once you are inside, the worship center will be directly in front of you.
Parking is limited at the BSU. Please park in the GRAVEL parking lot across the street at Campus Bookmart, located at 318 East Lee Blvd.
Turn on the road in between the Wesley Foundation and Campus Bookmark, follow the road down the hill, and turn left into the gravel lot. Please DO NOT park in the concrete parking lots because we do not want to take away parking spaces from paying customers. Also, please do NOT park in the loading zone.
FYI: If you do park in the concrete lot or in the loading zone, your car will likely be towed. So, park in the gravel lot and walk up the hill to the BSU.